2. Matrix Inverse calculator (2x2 and 3x3) - C++ Language

What are the capabilities of this program:

  1. This program can find the determent of both 2x2 and 3x3 matrices
  2. This program can inverse of both 2x2 and 3x3 matrices.
  3. This program has ability to ask the user if he wants to execute this program again and again.
  4. if the user to use this program again the previous results will clear.

How this Program works?

  1. We have created two user defined functions, one for solving 2x2 matrices and second for solving 3x3 matrices.
  2. First the program finds the determinant of given matrix and determines whether it is singular or non-singular. 
  • If the matrix is singular it will tell the user that “Inverse does not exist”, since the determinant is zero. 
  • If the matrix is non-singular (determinant does not equal to zero) it will go ahead to find the inverse by finding its minors, co-factors, adjoint and finally prints out the inverse.


  1.       C++ Source File
  2.       Project Report
  3.       Project Presentation

